Gasoline Kisses For Everyone

by Park

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v4.06  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:49 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


It Wont Snow Where You're Going

Song Author


Tabbed by

Josiah Robinson


1st → Guitar Right
2nd → Bass
3rd → Guitar Left
4th → Overdub Guitar Right
5th → Drums
6th → Lead Vocals
7th → Overdub Guitar Left
8th → Backing Vocals 2
9th → Backing Vocals 1

File Size

52 KB




I think I'd be ly-ing if I said I don't en-joy this wa-king up soaked in sweat, won-der-ing who you're ly-ing with the sink-ing cen-ter in me dips to find that per-fect place where we've all been trapped be-fore caught li-ving in the life you missed the rea-son you had to leave held your breath and could-n't see missed the rea-son you had to leave held your breath and could-n't see I hear songs of this can-cer co-ming on I love the sound of your vo-ice break-ing off So I'll sing a-long un-til you're gone and out of this can-vas we paint this song I think I'd be ly-ing if I said I did-n't miss this slipp-ing off the edge of the bed, I know I can kiss you be-tter than that one more try, one more good-night don't pull a-way so fast, ten more se-conds is all I ask missed the rea-son you had to leave held your breath and could-n't see missed the rea-son you had to leave held your breath and could-n't see I hear songs of this can-cer co-ming on I love the sound of your vo-ice break-ing off So I'll sing a-long un-til you're gone and out of this can-vas we paint this song One more try, one more good-night one more try, one more good-night so bad, this feel-ing ne-ver cat-ches up and burnt red are the arms of a sun-burnt boy in love I know what you're all a-bout now I know where the en-gine runs out I know what you're all a-bout now I know where the en-gine runs out So I'll sing a-long un-til you're gone I'll sing a-long un-til you're gone You're bu-sy fu-cking ev-ery one you're bu-sy fu-cking ev-ery one you're bu-sy fu-cking ev-ery one you're bu-sy fu-cking ev-ery one